Form 9. Environment.
Friday, the seventh of March
1. Напишіть 7 слів , які асоціюються зі словом "ENVIRONMENT".
2. Впр. 7, ст. 150. Запишіть нові слова та вивчіть. Прочитайте текст та дайте відповідь на питання.
Thursday, the sixth of March
1. Повторіть слова по темі.
2. Прочитайте текст.
Deforestation (Вирубування лісів)
One of the biggest ecological problems is deforestation. It is caused by human activity. People cut down trees in rainforests (тропічні ліси) to clear (очистити) the land for farming or to build roads. Logging companies (Лісозаготівельні компанії) sell wood for furniture and building houses. All these careless actions lead (веде) to the lack (нестача) of fresh air, as less trees produce less oxygen and release more CO2. In addition, lots of exotic animal and plant species live in rainforests and when people destroy these forests, animals lose their home and become endangered [ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd] species (стати зникаючим видом). Some trees in rainforests are a source (джерело) of important medicines which help to cure serious diseases (лікувати серйозні хвороби) and with their disappearance (зникнення) the production of these medicines will be impossible.
* is caused – спричиняється
3. Запишіть словосполучення.
1) ecological
a) in rainforests
2) cut down
b) the forests
3) the lack of
c) important medicines
4) live
d) the land for farming
5) destroy the
e) problems
6) a source of
f) trees
7) to clear
g) fresh air
4. Утворіть речення, поєднавши 2 частини.
1) People cut down trees … a) … level releases harmful gases.
2) Lots of exotic animals … b) … pollution is
oil spills.
3) Burning of forests at high … c) … to many diseases.
4) One of the causes of water … d) … become endangered species.
5) Water pollution leads … e) … in the
5. Complete the sentences.
*lack *endangered *deforestation *
down *source
*rainforests |
_________________ is caused by human activity.
2) People
cut down trees in ____________________.
3) It
leads to the ______________ of fresh air.
4) When
people cut _________ trees, animals lose their home.
5) Many
animals become _________________ species.
6) Some
trees are a _____________ of important medicines.
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