Контрольна робота, англійська мова, 11 клас

12 грудня


I.                Write II and III form of next verbs:


To be –

To begin –

To find –

To feel –

To have –

To come –

To see –

To pay –

To understand –

To tell –

II.             Translate into Ukrainian.

1)     A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat.

2)     I think that every people have to eat chocolate and other sweets every day.

3)     All people need to have their own sense of identity to cope successfully with adulthood.

4)     Most conflicts between adolescents and their parents are caused by criticism of their choice of friends, too much interference in their social life and too little financial support.

5)     If more people used public transport, this would reduce the amount of pollution.

6)     The environment we live in will change dramatically in the next 50 years.


III.            Translate these sentences into English.


1.     Я люблю їсти багато шоколаду і фруктів щодня.

2.     Минулого тижня я відвідала (відвівав) мистецьку галерею.

3.     Я дуже емоційна людина і часто плачу.

4.     Як ми можемо проконтролювати наші емоції?

5.     Мій брат любить пригодницькі фільми, а я люблю фільми про життя. 

6.     Кожна професія важлива, але я обираю ….. 


18 травня
Тема: Контроль навичок говоріння і письма

Speaking (запишіть вид діяльності)

1. Виберіть правильну відповідь.

1) I can offer you an air-mail envelope.
   a) No, thank you. I need only the stamp.
  b) Thank you. Will you wrap it?
  c) Yes, here you are.

2. Do you know the lady sitting by the window?
  a) Yes, she is sitting there.
  b) No, I have never seen her before.
  c)Yes, I know where she is sitting.

3. Ukraine borders on Hungary, doesn’t it?
  a) yes, it is.
  b) Yes, of course.
  c) yes, sometimes.

4. Can I send a letter from here?
  a) No, madam. You can do it over there.
  b) Yes, I can.
  c) Of course, wrap it here.

5. is the man standing there is your uncle?
  a) Yes, he is standing there.
  b) Yes, haven’t you seen him before.
  c) Yes, he is my uncle.

 2. Доповніть діалог питаннями з рамки.

a) Is your family hospitable? What traditional food do you cook?
b) Who is usually invited for your special occasions?
c) What family holidays do you celebrate, Mark?
d) What do you do on these days?

- 1) _______________________________________________
- Our favourite holidays are our birthdays, New Year and Christmas and International Women’s Day.
- 2) ___________________________________________________
- As a rule we invite our relatives and neighbors.
- 3) _________________________________________________
- We always cook a lot of delicious salads, roasted chicken, fantastic pies and cakes.
- 4)_____________________________________________________
- We have much fun: we sing karaoke and dance, go for a walk, talk to each other, sometimes we exchange presents.

3. Складіть питання з поданих слів і дайте на них відповідь. Зверніть увагу на схему питального речення.

                 1                                2                                3                    4
Питальне слово        допоміжне слово        підмет         присудок…?

Наприклад: Where/born?  - Where were you born? – I was born in Kyiv.

1) Where/live?
2) Where/grandparents?
3) What/interested in?
4) What/hobby?
5) Why/English?

Writing (запишіть вид діяльності)

1. Виберіть правильне буквосполучення до поданих слів.

1) lang..ge
  a) wi
  b) wa
  c) ud
  d) ua

2) g..ographical
  a) eo
  b) oe
  c) ie
  d) io

3) ach..vement
  a) ie
  b) ei
  c) ee
  d) ea

4) w..derful
  a) am
  b) un
  c) an
  d) on

5) h..dache
   a) ee
   b) ea
   c) ae
   d) ai

6) fav..rite
  a) oe
  b) au
  c) uo
  d) ou

2. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

1. __________ a brother?
  a) Have you
  b) Do you have
  c) Got you

2. I like __________ .
 a) swim very much
  b) very much swimming
  c) swimming very much

3. She lives __________ the city.
  a) in         b) on         c) at

4. How __________ money do you have?
  a) lot of                             b) many                       c) much

5. My daughter __________ 3 years old.
  a) is                                   b) has                    c) has got

6. They __________ a new Porshe to New York last year.
  a) go                  2) was going                     c) went

3. Дайте відповідь на питання.

Why is it important to learn English?


13 травня

Тема: Контроль навичок аудіювання і читання
Мета: перевірити рівень  мовної та  мовленнєвої компетенції.
Listening (запишіть вид діяльності)
1. Поєднайте слова:

1) royal                                a) замок
2) potent                             b) повертатись
3) monarch                          c) королівський
4) castle                               d) знаходити
5) Queen                             e) панцир
6) armour                            f) монарх
7) return                             g)королева
8) find                                  h) могутній

2. Подивіться відео «Visit Windsor Castle»  і визначте правильні чи неправильні речення.

Ви можете подивитись відео за цим посиланням, включивши субтитри. Вони, надіюсь, допоможуть виконати завдання.

1) William the Conqueror  built Windsor Castle.
2) Windsor Castle is the longest continually inhabited castle in the world.
3) It is twenty four miles west of London.
4) Buckingham Palace is a potent symbol of the British monarchy.
5) The castle was built in the tenth  century.
6) Since the 11th century it has been the home to 39 monarchs.

3. Подивіться відео ще раз і дайте відповідь на питання:
1) What is Windsor castle?
2) Where is it situated?
3) When was it built?
4)  What can you find at St. George’s Chapel? 
5) When did Queen Victoria open  the state apartment to the public?
6) Where is the annual ceremony held?
Reading (запишіть вид діяльності)

1. Прочитайте текст 1 і дайте відповіді на питання.

Text 1

Christmas in My Family
Hello! My name is Alexander. I live in Ukraine. My family is large. I live with my parents and grandparents. I've got two elder sisters Olga and Anna. Now they are students of Kyiv University and they visit our place only on holidays and some family occasions. Each Ukrainian family has its own customs and traditions. Ours is not an exception. My parents are very sociable and friendly people, so from time to time our house is full of guests. Our favourite holidays are New Year, Christmas and Women's Day. My mother thinks that at night of New Year's Eve the old year with all its troubles leaves us forever and the New Year with all our hopes and expectations knocks at our doors. On the eve of January the 7' we start celebrating Christmas. It's a real ritual for ray grandparents. My granny always gets ready for this religious holiday beforehand. On Sviat Vechir we gather around the table for a holy supper of twelve symbolic dishes. We are not allowed to start supper until the first star appears in the sky. We begin our supper with the kutia (a dish of honey, poppy seeds and wheat kernels boiled in pure rainwater). There are no meat and meat products on our table. My granny is a wonderful cook, so we enjoy her varenyky, holubtsi and desserts made from dried fruit and honey. After tasty supper we go to bed. Early in the morning we go to church to take part in the church service. When we come back home we give each other presents and wish "Merry Christmas'". All boxes with the presents are located under Christmas tree. It's a nice time when my sisters are at home and we've got a lot of happy moments together.

1. How many people are there in the boy's family?
2. Where do his sisters study?
3. What does the mother hope for in the new year?
5. What do the family do on Sviat Vechir?
6. What do the family do after the church service?
7. Why is Christmas beloved by the whole family?

2. Прочитайте текст 2 і дайте відповіді на питання.

Text 2

On July 4, 1776, a group of rebels representing the Thirteen British colonies on the Atlantic ocean coast in North America signed a document. It stated that these colonies had the right to be free and independent. The document is known as the Declaration of Independence. July 4 is celebrated by Americans as a national holiday — Independence Day.
There is a building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is called Independence Hall. Here the Declaration was signed. On the building there is a famous Liberty Bell, which rang to tell the happy people in the streets that a new country had been born. But Britain did not agree with this fact until 1783. That year the American colonists won in the war of Independence with Britain.
June 14 is Flag Day in the USA. On that day in 1777 the Americans adopted their own flag.
The stars in the flag — white on a deep blue background — represent the numbers of states making up the United States.
Americans think about and treat their flag with respect. In American schools the Flag day begins with solemn ceremony of raising the flag.

1.         When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a)         In July 1777;
b)         In July 1776;
c)         In July 1778;
d)         In July 1779;

2.         How many British colonies signed the document?
a)         Thirteen;
b)         Eleven;
c)         Fourteen;
d)         Fifteen.

3.         What is celebrated in the US A on July 4?
a)         Flag Day;
b)         Mothering Sunday;
c)         Independence Day;
d)         Liberty Day.

4.         Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a)         In the White House;
b)         In Capitol;
c)         Independence Hall in Philadelphia;
d)         In Washington.

5.         . When did the famous Liberty Bell ring?
a)         When the first president was elected;
b)         It rang to tell people that a new independent country had been born;
c)         When the Americans adopted their own flag;
d)         When was Washington proclaimed the capital of the USA.

6.         When was the flag adopted?
a)         In 1777;
b)         In 1787;
c)         In 1797;
d)         In 1799.

7.         What colour are the stars on the USA flag?
a)         Red;
b)         Yellow;
c)         White;
d)         Blue.

8.         What colour is the background of the USA flag?
a)         Brown;
b)         Dark green;
c)         Light blue;
d)         Deep blue.

9.         How does Flag Day begin in the USA?
a)         With singing the anthem;
b)         With saying a prayer;
c)         With raising the flag;
d)         As usual.

10.       What did American colonists struggle with in the War of Independence?
a)         Spain;
b)         Britain;
c)         Canada;

d)         France.


4 квітня
Тема: Контрольна робота
Мета: перевірити знання учнів, набуті  під час дистанційного навчання.

- Повторіть теми «Національні парки», «Навколишнє середовище», «Політична система України».

1. Поєднайте.
1) cause                      a)вибори
2)  exist                       b) голосування
3) keep                        c)  суд
4) natural                   d) спричиняти
5) language                e)  природний
6) identity                   f) особистість
7) commitment          g) тримати
8) election                  h) досвід
9) voting                      i)  мова
10) experience            j) існувати
11) heritage                k) спадок
12)judge                      l) прихильність

2. Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

* display  * mentality   * elections * cause * amazing

1) For a long time the ___of exotic animals was a sign of wealth and power.
2) Keeping an animal in a small area can ______it to get depressed and stop eating.
3) The national ____ is a set of stable spiritual values, habits.
4) All of the national parks  are _____ and unbelievable areas.
5) _________ are held every four year.

-  Повторіть вживання Present Simple, to be в   Рresent Simple та  Past Simple.

3. Запишіть речення, вживаючи дієслова в дужках в потрібну форму.

1) Every year  millions of people ____(go) on safaris.
2) It ___ (be) very cold last winter.
3) They ___(not speak) loudly.
4) She ___ (not, listen) the meeting of deputies.
5) The tallest mountain of North America ___ (be) located in the park.
6) The state symbols of Ukraine ___ (be) the national flag and emblem.
7) A lot of exotic animals ___(live) in other parts of the world
8) The President ____ ( govern) the country with the help of his administration and the Cabinet of Ministers.
9) It ____ (be) an unpaved area that gives the opportunity of wildlife experience.
10) These children ____(be) in the yard last week.


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