Wednesday, the fourteenth of February
National parks

1. Повторіть слова по темі "Inventions and Lifestyles". Виконайте тест. 
Термін виконання до 15 лютого 18.00.

2. Запишіть речення в словник та перекладіть. Вивчіть їх напам'ять.

3а. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання.

                                            NATURAL WONDERS OF UKRAINE

Herbs of buffalo, wildebeest and zebras are roaming in the steppes of Kherson Region between Odessa and Crimea. Hey, what zebras? This is not Africa! Well, indeed – but it is really inside the 2300 hectare
Askania Nova Reserve – the brainchild of a 19th century Odesa German who acted on his slightly mad idea of importing animals from different continents to this unique natural steppe.

In addition to the above-mentioned species, the reserve boasts Przevalski horses from Mongolia, camels, Central Asian saiga antelopes and all types of birds, from pink flamingos to rare steppe eagles. But perhaps the main attraction here is the virgin steppe – flat as a skating rink. Apart from its zoo and gardens, the reserve is closed to visitors for most of summer because of steppe fire danger. So late spring and early 

autumn are the best times to take a safari in a horse-drawn cart.

Another large chunk of virgin steppe that you admire is actually out in the Black sea. The isle of Dzharylhach is separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. It is also teeming with all kinds of wildlife – though, admittedly not African, which makes it all the more authentic. Dzharylhach and its bay is part of the Dzharylhach National Nature Park. Its area of 56 square km and length of 42 km make it the Black Sea’s biggest island. It has clean sandy beaches and mineral springs. In the middle of the island there is a fresh water spring, and more than

four hundred small salty lakes are scattered all over its territory. The unique flora and fauna of Dzharylhach have been well preserved. It is a habitat for wild boars, deer, mouflon, as well as numerous seagulls and cormorant, hunting crabs, raps whelk and shrimp.

The Shatskiy National Nature Park lies 160 km northwest of Lutsk in the corner between Belarus and Poland, and has some 200 lakes, rivers and streams. Shatsky National Natural Park was established in 1983 and aimed to preserve, reconstitute and to use effectively Volyn Polissia natural complexes and objects of special evironmental, recreational, educational and aesthetic value.

The park is located on the territory of Shatsk Region in northwest part of Volyn Oblast. The general area of the park is 490 square kilometres. Two ecological paths, Svitiazianka and Lisova Pisnia, are working in the Shatsk NNP. Shatsk lake group is one of the biggest in Europe. On its territory there are more than thirty lakes of varying sizes. Their total area is almost 70 square kilometers. They constitute one of the biggest European groupings of lakes. Among them is Svitiaz, the deepest lake in Ukraine.

Forests occupy 52.5% of general park area. According to the Ramsar Water and Moor Protection agreement, the Shatsk lakes lands, which are situated between the Prypiat and the western Bug, are considered to be one of the most important areas in Ukraine. In this territory, migrating birds can find places for their reproduction as well as food and rest on their way from the north to warmer countries.

The national park together with the local administration, manage the main nature protection tasks. Due to these achievements, the park was included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (as West Polesie Transboundary Biosphere Reserve) within the frameworks of the UNESCO “Man and the Biosphere Programme” on April 30, 2002. By this act, the Shats’k lakes were referred to as some of the most precious complexes of the Earth. In Ukraine, Svitiaz Lake is considered to be one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine.

In the Shatsk Lakes territory, 1180 species of plants belonging to 124 families are found. Pine and blueberry forests dominate the territory of the park. Alder and birch forests grow in the lowlands.

Fauna is represented by typical woodlands species: elk, wild boar, roe deer, rabbits, squirrels. 332 vertebrate species have been noted in the park: 55 mammals, 241 birds, 7 amphibians, and 29 fish, which represent 11 families.

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Europe’s largest wetland, and the 4th part of it is located in Ukraine’s far southwest where the Danube dumps water and silt into the Black Sea. Few make the effort to reach this far-flung wedge of fertile territoty, but those who do are rewarded with astoundingly beautiful scenery, colourful birdlife, and serene evenings in drowsy Vylcovo, fancifully nicknamed the ‘Ukrainian Venice’ thanks to its network of canals.

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve was declared a Unesco Biosphere reserve in 1992. This protected area is made up of six separate locations, four of which can be found around Rakhiv. Some 90% of the reserve is made up of virgin forest, home to rare flora and fauna. The Museum of Forest Ecology stands on the hill behind the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve headquarters building. The exhibition is very informative, rich and colourful.

Carpathian National Natural Park is the largest national park, which was founded in 1980. It covers 503 sq km of wooded mountains and hills, but only about a quarter of the area is completely protected. 
Parts of it shelter small numbers of animals and alpine meadows are carpeted with species of fl ora. A special gift of nature is that the National Park – is a source of mineral water of different types, that’s why many objects in it are closely related to recreational and medicinal activities here.

(from guidebook ‘Lonely Planet’: Southern Ukraine, p.182)

4. Answer the questions.
1) What is this text about?
2) Where is Askania Nova Reserve situated?
3) What is Dzharylhach? 
4) When and why was Shatsky National Natural Park established?
5) What park mentioned in the text is a source of mineral water of different types?

5. Виконайте тест за посиланням (по тексту). Термін виконання до 15 лютого 18.00. 

Wednesday, the twenty ninth of November

1. Повторіть утворення загальних та спеціальних питань.

Питальна форма теперішнього неозначеного часу (загальне запитання) утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова do/does, що розташовується на початку речення перед підметом, причому основне дієслово 3­ї особи однини закінчення ­s не має. відповіді на такі запитання даються короткі, з використанням тих самих допоміжних дієслів.

Do + I/we/you/they + V1? — Yes, I/we/you/they do. No, I/we/you/ they don’t.

 + he/she/it + V1? — Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.


They study English.— Do they study English? — Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

She plays the piano well.— Does she play the piano well? — Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

Складаючи спеціальні запитання у теперішньому неозначеному часі, слова розташовують у такому порядку: питальне слово (Wh­-word), допоміжне дієслово do/does, підмет, основне дієслово (без закінчення ­s у 3­й особі однини).

Wh-­word + do + I/we/you/they + V1

Wh­-word + does + he/she/it + V1?

Запам’ятайте питальні слова: who, what, where, when, why, which, whose, whom, how, how many/much.


What do you do in the evening? Where does he go in summer? How do they work there?

Запитання до підмета утворюються без допоміжних дієслів, а основне дієслово обов’язково має закінчення ­s:

Who knows this girl?

Whose friend likes going to the cinema?


2. Утворіть загальні питання у Present Simple. 

1) Liz and her sister often go skating to the skating-rink.

2) Our teacher always prepares us for tests.

3) Her dog likes to sleep on the sofa.

4) We usually make photos for the school newspaper.

5) Den often goes on a ride with his friends.

6) Ted and Victor prefer to travel by car.

7) It often rains in spring.

8) His sister runs a small caf

9) The Harrods usually visit their relatives in the country.

10) All children like sweets and ice cream.

3. Утворіть спеціальні питання, використовуючи питальне слово в дужках. 
Наприклад: They always go for a walk in the evening. (Where?) - 
Where do they go in the evening?

 2) She prefers to buy new clothes on sales. (What?
3) He usually meets his friends after school. (When?
4) She buys fresh magazines because her daughter enjoys reading them. (Why?
5) This babysitter looks after children very carefully. (How?
6) Her uncle often tells about his adventures during the expeditions. (Who?)

Monday, the eighth of May
1. Повторіть утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників. Порівняйте тварин, використовуючи прикметники.

         dangerous  friendly   heavy   big   fast   aggressive   long


2. Повторіть вживання та утворення Present Simple/ Present Continuous/ Past Simple. 
Розкрийте дужки та утворіть один із цих часів.

1) They ___ (have) breakfast in the morning.
2) He ___ (drink) milk every day.
3) Children ___ (eat) apples now.
4) She ___ (not, eat) apples yesterday.
5) Where ___ you ___ (live)? - I ___ (live) in London.
6) Where ___ he ___ (go) yestreday? - He ___ (go) to the cinema.

3. Виконайте тест. Термін виконання до 10 травня 21:00.


Friday, the seventeenth of March

1) Поєднайте.
1) victim                             a) примусити когось задихатись
2) absorb                           b) поглинати
3)  float                               c) жертва
4) significant                      d) передати словами
5) sheer                               e) пливти
6) put into words               f) чистий, прозорий
7) make somebody gasp     g) значний

2) Прочитайте текст "The Picture" (у вас є картка)

3. Виконайте тест. Термін виконання до 19.00 21.00 години.


Monday, the twenty first of November
Тема: Харчування.
1. Ознайомтесь з вживанням слів "food", "meal", "dish".

* Слово food ми використовуємо, коли говоримо про те, що їдять люди, тварини або рослини поглинають, щоб підтримувати життя. Тобто food – будь-які продукти, які можна їсти. Це можуть бути: фрукти, овочі, м’ясо, страви і т. д. 


We have enough food.
У нас достатньо їжі.

* Слово meal ми використовуємо, коли маємо на увазі їжу як трапезу. Тобто це час, коли їдять їжу, або їжа, яку їдять в певний час (сніданок, обід, вечеря). 

Приклад: Dіnner is the biggest meal of the day. - Обід найбільший прийом їжі вдень. 

* dish - страва, тарілка з їжею.

2. Доповніть речення словами "food", "meal", "dish".

3. Поєднайте.

3. Доповніть текст поданими словами. 

Friday, the eighteenth of November

Тема: Граматичний практикум

1. Повторіть Present Simple 

 Виконайте тест за посиланням. 

Monday, the thirty first of October
Тема: Повторювально-узагальнюючий урок

1. Прочитайте текст. зверніть увагу на нові слова.
2. Дайте відповіді на питання (можна короткі).

3. Поєднайте вирази з виділеними словами в тексті..
Наприклад: 1. babysitting
                        2. _________ 

4. Пройдіть тест до 1 листопада 20.00.

Код доступу 2187115

Monday, the seventeenth of October.
Тема: Працевлаштування. Служби працевлаштування

1. Прочитайте опис та вгадайте професії. Запишіть.

1. A person who owns or manages a farm.
2. A person whose job is to build or repair houses or other buildings.
3. A person who tells or writes stories.
4. A person who plays a musical instrument, especially as a profession, or is musically talented;
5. A person
who creates works of art, especially paintings.

 2. Запишіть подані слова в словник та вивчіть. 

an interpreter - перекладач

a counsellor - консультант

an estate agent – агент з нерухомості

a lawyer lɔːjə] - юрист

persuasive [pəˈsweɪsɪv] – переконливий

confident – впевнений

brave – хоробрий

 courageous - відважний

accurate [ˈækjərət] – точний

believe inвірити в

dedicated -dedɪkeɪtɪd] відданий

patient - спокійний

accountant – бухгалтер

3. Прочитайте. Зверніть увагу на нові слова. Підпишіть малюнки назвими професій (з тексту).

              1. I want to be a lawyer. I need (Мені треба) to be confident and competent because I will represent (буду представляти) people in court (суді).

               2. I want to be an estate agent. I need to be patient and persuasive because I will sell houses to people.

               3. I want to be a policeman. I need to be brave and courageous because I will often find myself in dangerous situations.

               4. I want to be an actress. I need to be creative and confident because I will perform in front of people.

               5. I want to be a counsellor. I need to be understanding and attentive because I will listen to people’s problems.

               6. I want to be an interpreter. I need to be polite and knowledgeable because I will translate what foreigners say.

               7. I want to be an accountant. I need to be accurate and responsible because I will work with money.

               10. I want to be a politician. I need to be persuasive and honest because I will have to make people believe in me.


Friday, the fourteenth of October

Тема: Вимоги працедавців

1. Запишіть 5-6 професій, які ви знаєте.

2. Поєднайте професії з їхніми діями. Запишіть за зразком.

Зразок:  A mechanic fixes cars. 

3. Прочитайте тексти. Поєднайте професії з текстами та запишіть.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____

*factory worker          * sports centre manager       * nurse

Speaker 1. I work very long hour and my job is very stressful. Erm, I certainly don’t do it for the money, but it’s strange – I’ve never really wanted to do any other job. When I can help someone, make them feel better, I feel really good. Even if it’s only to make them smile or feel more comfortable. I see a lot of sad things, but when someone gets better and they can go home to their family again – oh, it’s just wonderful.

Speaker 2. I don’t mind work. My job isn’t bad – it’s quite easy and you don’t have to think too hard about it. The money is OK and that’s the important thing. I don’t do the job for the job, if you know what I mean – I work to live; I don’t live to work. The best thing about it is the people. I’ve got some really good friends and we have a good laugh. The only thing I don’t like sometimes is the noise. When all the machines are working you can’t hear yourself think – it’s so loud.

Speaker 3. My work is my life, really. I’ve always been sporty and I love team games. I know all my friends from playing sport. I started working here about, erm, ten years ago and I know nearly everything about the job. When someone comes to the centre to ask about classes or games, I can usually answer all their questions, no problem. You see, I started most of the classes in the beginning, so I know all the trainers and instructors now.



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